According to the Mayer-Briggs foundation, which has been collecting data on personality and thinking types for decades, about 26% of humans’ brains are intuitive dominant, rather than sensor-dominant, which means we approach decision making differently.
Our brains are wired to gather seemingly unrelated events, knowledge, ideas and bring it together holistically. This often appears like we know something out of the blue, sometimes without any tangible evidence to back it up. It might appear as a flash of insight, a picture in our mind, hearing a phrase or verbal message inside our brain, or watching a future event unfold like a movie in the mind.
However, my intuition, which not only shows up in my body, but also my mind, is scary accurate ( not 100%, but in the high 90s).
I first sense into my knowing about a person or situation, then activate my logical mind to compare what I know with all the things I’ve experienced in the past. Sometimes the intellectual mind is more involved in ego, trying to convince me why this can’t possibly be true, while my intuitive mind is tapping into something much larger than my individual understanding.
Having shared this, there is no better or worse way of approaching decision-making, as we are simply wired differently. But it’s been my experience that intuitives are often dismissed by ‘logical’ thinkers as not being practical or accurate, when neither of those things are true.