Actually, some of the wealthiest people are the most insecure, so being born with a silver spoon does not automatically lead to a sense of personal security. Sure, money helps (speaking as a person who had a courageous and feminist single mother, we both worked our way out of poverty) but no amount of money can never replace the deep sense of knowing within that we are a part of something much larger than our material world before us.
What I am inviting you to, is a more nuanced perspective on the dynamics between men and women. To paint broadly that either women or men do this or act like that does not recognize the free will of the individual or demonstrate belief in our ability to rise above our base instincts.
Feminism and patriarchy is also nuanced, there are as many different expressions and beliefs as stars in the sky. It is time to put away the black and white thinking and step into a more balanced approach — recognizing that within men and women are both masculine and feminine energies. The masculine pushes forward, takes action, competes to win, produces and protects. Both men and women express the masculine, to differing degrees. The feminine energy is creative, receiving, nurturing, sensual and self-reflective. Again, both men and women express this energy to greater or lesser degrees.
The journey of self-discovery is learning how to leverage ones strengths and explore the areas that we are not so strong. Ruth Bader Ginsberg is learning how to express her masculine energy, while Kim Kardashian is exploring her feminine energy. Both appeared to do that well in some cases and made mistakes in other areas — just like the rest of us.
All women do not ‘sleep their way to security’ any more than all men only want a woman for her looks. Perhaps this was your personal experience, which then invites the question, how would you like future interpersonal relationships to be different? What characteristics would be healthy, loving and reciprocal for you?
If you don’t like a woman who just appears to chose a man for his money, then by all means date women who are fully established in their career and make enough money to take care of themselves. What happened in the past does not have to determine our future, only if we allow ourselves to get stuck in the rut of anger and resentment…