As a person who works in the personal growth field, I am very concerned by how many of my colleagues (and not just the millionaire ones) dangle huge promises of wealth, happiness and fulfillment.
The idea that you can magically think something different, or if you just want it enough it will appear, completely negates the reality of the world we are living in - racism, sexism, income inequities, oppressive systems. They often engage in shaming and blaming the person who’s trying to find answers to their personal struggles, by telling them they didn’t get their vibration right.
Personally, I enjoy having a spiritual connection, but I also live as a flesh and blood human on this planet. I have to get up every day, work to make a living, try to be the kindest person I can, and define success on my own terms.
One of my purposes is to debunk these toxic messages, to unveil what can be a pretty exploitative system for monetary gain. Having said that, there are some excellent coaches and therapists out there, who genuinely care and strive help their clients. It becomes difficult however, to differentiate yourself from the exploiters…