Do you feel bullied by other people’s energy?
When you reach the state of complete and utter overwhelm from tuning in to surrounding energy fields, it can trigger you to back to that run-in with your 12-year old bully.
You know the one, who wouldn’t leave you alone?
Knew just how to push your buttons, got your heart pounding.
Damn it, not again!
For those who are wide open perceivers, incoming energies can feel like a bully. Here they come, there’s nowhere to hide!
I’ve come to realize, energy management is a constant task.
And when I say task, I mean it’s a little like cleaning the toilet. You put it off (because who really wants to get intimate with those kind of germs) but when it’s sparkling clean again — see how good it looks, how nice it smells.
Managing your energy field takes constant awareness. At first, working on this can feel like signing up for boot camp.
People and situations show up to help you practice becoming more aware of the sensations in your body and your level of vitality.
Prompting you to ask questions like:
- Is there an obvious cause for being so tired? (you went to bed late, just finished vigorous exercise, had a stressful day at work, etc.)
- Or did your energy just drop for no apparent reason?
- Who were you interacting with?
- What’s happening in your environment?
- Is there a valid reason you suddenly became more anxious or stressed? (Trying something new, have a health concern)
- Are you experiencing a genuine emotion because something happened that directly impacts your life?
- Or are you accidentally getting caught up in other people’s drama?
At first, this increased awareness might have you feeling like the energy ‘bullying’ is getting worse. Actually, what you’re sensing right now has been there all along.
I invite you to release the belief that your mind, your heart, your body, your field is helpless and at the mercy of nameless, faceless energies.
The only things you take on, are what you allow.
Please understand, I’m not suggesting you should blame yourself. And please don’t give up.
Like anything else, monitoring your energy field, deciding what stays and what goes, takes practice. It becomes a moment-to-moment, lifelong practice for empathic and intuitive souls.
Some days, you’ll do really well, stay present in awareness, make healthy choices about who and what to engage with. You’ll find it easy to let go of what’s not yours to carry.
Other days, you’re busy or tired or distracted by this thing we call life and suddenly you realize someone else’s stuff has crept up on you.
It’s ok.
At any moment, you can stop, close your eyes, scan your body, breathe, connect with nature, drink a hot cup of tea, stretch, dance, listen to uplifting music, read or snuggle with a pet. Set a healthy boundary, speak your truth, re-focus on you.
Whatever helps reduce pressure and brings your vitality back.
Visualizing any energy that is not your own being released into the Earth. Like a fountain of dissonant atoms, cascading down and out of your mind, throat, heart, torso, hips, root, legs, fingers and toes.
Shedding any emotion or situation that’s been sucking you dry. Turning your attention instead to what nourishes and uplifts you.
Remember when you realized, bullies only have as much power you give them? Nine times out of ten they will back down when you assert yourself.
This is the exact same thing.
You have the power to take charge of your energy field. Even when the world around you is chaotic or people give off a funky vibe.
Like the picture above, sensing energy is like holding a cluster of balloons. They can either have you jostling out of control or you can let go and allow them to lift and elevate your being.
Keep practicing.
Over time, you’ll become masterful at quickly identifying the source of energy drain and what you need to do to come back to a calm, still place.
Repeat this mantra whenever needed:
This is not my energetic business. I release any and all energies and emotions that are not my own into the Earth. I hold others in their personal power, knowing each of us are experiencing lessons to learn and grow. I am a separate being with my own field, boundaries, needs and desires. Along with everyone and everything else, I am also continuously connected to a higher Source.
I have the power to hold both of those states simultaneously in a way that is healthy and affirming.
Looking for a high-vibe, online community to connect with other empaths, highly sensitive people and intuitives? What would it mean to have a global network of support as you walk your unique personal growth journey?
I invite you to consider joining the Guild of Perceptive Souls, my immersive learning community.