Empaths: It’s time to get off the Energy Rollercoaster
For those who are more tuned-in, who can sense shifts in the energy fields around us, life can often feel like a rollercoaster.
You’re strapped in the car, slowly inching your way up the hill, clack, clack, clack. Then you teach the top, a long pause and expansive view before plunging headfirst down the hill. Hair flying, face muscles bulging.
I would like to say wheeeeeeeeeeee, but sometimes that first drop is an absolutely beat-down. And by the time you’ve gone through the additional twist and turns to pull into the station, you find yourself completely spent.
This can be a common occurrence for intuitive empaths. The upsides of life are amazing, however, the downhill plunge kicks our ass.
Any number of regular things can have us plummeting down the hill of life: attending a crowded event, providing support to a best friend who’s going through a divorce, spending the holidays with family, your child’s illness. Stress and pressure at work, driving in bumper to bumper traffic, a conflict with your partner.
Any energetically charged situation can zap your vitality. Send you into a tailspin that takes hours or even days to recover.
Even positive events, when you connect deeply from a place of joy or excitement or awe, can result in an energetic hangover.
I’ve written about this before and feel it’s so important to state it again and again: as empaths, we are required to be more conscious of the people, environments and activities we surround ourselves with.
Noticing what’s happening around you. What are you picking up right now? Scheduling downtime to be in low-key spaces, with just your own energy.
You absolutely require calm, restful moments — every single day, in order to thrive. Not because you are weak, on the contrary, simply because you’re wired differently than most human beings.
When you find yourself on the energy rollercoaster, you may try to respond by pushing through, working harder, ignoring the signals. That’s the prevailing wisdom of our culture.
Inevitably, you will crash.
Energetic burnout can result in extreme fatigue, mood swings and a lack of vitality. The world kind of goes grey. What’s required is rest. Lots of it.
And also contemplation. How can you prevent plunging down that steep hill in the first place? What habits and practices can you put in place every day to minimize energy burnout?
What can you do that uplifts you, recharges you?
Listen to your favorite music, connect with nature, read something inspiring, have meaningful conversations, take a hot bath, cook a delicious meal. Gentle yoga or spiritual practice. Be kind to yourself, take time just for you.
Do more of that and less of what drains and depletes you.
Why is this so important?
Because I believe you can only handle so many energetic rollercoasters before it has a long-term impact on your health. Our society doesn’t encourage prevention so we must take the initiative for our own well-being.
Empaths are powerful perceivers, we bring amazing gifts to this world. Nurture your gifts with a self-care routine that balances out the energy rollercoaster.
Enjoy a gentle walk in the forest, on the beach, in the mountains, in your backyard.
Believe me, you are worth it.
Managing your energy field is one of the key topics covered in my online course, Perceptive Souls: From Surviving to Thriving. Registration ends Feb. 1, there’s still time for you to join an amazing community of empaths and HSPs who are making an important change in their life this year.
Check out the details and sign up here…