Empaths: Take a moment to drop back into your body
Accessing your Personal Energetic Baseline
As highly intuitive and empathic souls, we often find ourselves completely detached from our physical body.
Like a floating head, we live in the depths of our powerful minds or even farther out into the ether, connecting with what’s beyond.
We came here however, to have a human experience and nothing screams being human quite like our bodies. A strange and wondrous creation that unfortunately often takes a back seat when more exciting spiritual adventures await.
We may get frustrated because it requires so much maintenance. Feed me, exercise me, let me sleep, I have a sniffle, pay attention!
We might view the body as the infant of our presence, without which our mind and soul have no vehicle. Perhaps it feels odd to rely on a small child for our very existence.
What if instead, we begin to treat our body as an equal partner in our daily spiritual practice?
Acknowledge its innate wisdom, connect to what it has to show us?
Explore the wonder that is our physical being.
Take time and find a quiet space where you can simply observe and appreciate your body.
Gently and slowly rotate your head clockwise, then counterclockwise. Everyone gets neck tension because we have such a heavy head to hold up (some heavier than others:)
Slowly bed your spine forward, then gently curve it backward. Notice each vertebrae moving in alignment with each other.
One of my favorite yogis, Gurmukh explains it best: ‘A flexible spine equals a flexible mind.’ Indeed.
Hold up your elbow and take a look in the mirror. Admire the incredible mechanism of the joint and tendons and skin that allows this hinge to take on so many tasks.
Feel the muscles in your legs and calves. Honor the role they play as your foundation, like the strong roots of an oak tree.
Now for the best part, gently rub the soles of your feet. Connect with every nerve ending that in turn connects to every part of your body. Joyously lose yourself in the sensation of being nurtured by you.
At any time, you can stop and admire something about your physical body. The half moons under your fingernails, a freckle pattern, what it feels like to wrinkle your nose. No, this is not narcissistic.
Sensory experiences are vital for perceptive souls. We need to regularly come back into our physical vessel, be present right here and now.
This is only one part of the larger tool I call your Personal Energetic Baseline.
Your unique inner vibratory hum, a calm, still place that you can always return to at any moment. It’s one of the many tools I teach in my new online course, Perceptive Souls Thriving, which launches in January 2019.
I’m seeking 30 sensitives and empaths to act as beta testers, in exchange for your feedforward to help me improve the course, you will receive a dramatically reduced course fee.
Check out the details and sign up to be an early adopter at PerceptiveSouls.com.