Change is uncomfortable for every. single. one. of. us. Yet, as they say, it’s the only constant.
Evolution invites us to embrace the continuing waves of change. Within ourselves, within others and all around us.
Devolution has us resisting what wants to flow with all our might, holding on to who we knew ourselves to be yesterday. Or who we were ten years ago, for that matter.
This morning, I made a fruit and veggie smoothie in the same blender I purchased seven years ago to make margaritas.
Back then, I was drinking and partying every weekend. Perhaps I needed that in some ways, to loosen up and have some fun. INFJs can be notorious for our serious nature.
I spent quite a years in the devolving cycle. Making choices in many areas of my life that held me in a dysfunctional pattern. I know what it’s like to travel the spiral in the wrong direction. How impossible it feels to change the rotation in a positive direction.
However, I learned a lot from my devolving years. As I look back, I recognize that immense value comes from the times when we cling to an image of ourselves or others that feels safe and familiar.
When we resist transformation, ironically we are in the process of transforming. Sometimes, so slowly that we don’t even recognize it. Our…