For anyone who left Christianity, we know without a doubt it is a religion. Replete with hierarchies, token tasks or actions to be done, power and control. What you are describing is spirituality - a direct connection with God, Source, Goddess, which is ironically what Jesus taught, which is why he was persecuted, because he dared speak out about the hypocrisy of religious establishment of his time. Which looks precisely like the religious establishment of this time - wealthy preachers flying in private jets, the unholy relationship they have with politicians like Trump, the sexual abuse covered up by the Catholic Church.
And most people who reject the religion of Christianity or Islam or Judaism is because the message that we are terribly flawed and need someone to save us is just not true. We are miraculous beings, created in his image, who are loved and cherished and perfect in our imperfections. The time is closing on all the guilt and shame that we’ve been indoctrinated into. By all means, choose your own path, I am…