How do I Find My Tribe?
As a coach, I frequently receive questions from empaths, intuitives and highly sensitive people from all over the world, looking for further guidance. I take the submissions, make any personal references anonymous and provide responses to share with my subscribers and here on Medium.
I have one really good girlfriend I can call to share good news/bad news and get moral/emotional support. But she isn’t HSP (highly sensitive person) or EHS (electromagnetic hypersensitivity) or MCS (multiple chemical sensitivities) or empathic. This is an area that I feel very isolated in.
Bevin’s Response:
It’s very common for sensitive and empathic people to feel isolated and misunderstood at some time in our lives. We are a cultural minority, so how we perceive and interact with the world is going to be different than how others perceive and interact. However, there are several things that can immediately help you to feel more connected.
First, about 1 in 5 people is also highly sensitive and 1 in 12 is empathic, look around to see who in your family, your workplace, your friend group is a deep thinker, very heart-connected, notices subtleties and patterns, seeks out more alone time, has a strong intuitive guidance system. Of course, every perceptive soul is unique, however we have characteristics in common and they will also be relieved to dive deep with someone else who ‘gets them’.
Second, over half of all people are moderately sensitive, which means we have much more in common than you might believe. I strive to find similarities whenever I interact with other people and avoid an ‘us vs. them’ mentality. HSPs and empaths do not want to be judged for our way of being and neither do they.
What can you discover in common? All humans experience highs and lows in life, challenges and triumphs. How can we, as perceptive souls, role model what it means to be connected? Do you both like to read, travel, try new food, enjoy the same TV show, love animals? There’s almost always something.
Finally, join groups with people who have similar interests. You can do this locally or online, there are so many different communities to help you ‘find your tribe.’ If you like to walk in nature, try out a local hiking group. Passionate about art? Meetups about creativity are a wonderful place to engage this part of yourself and develop new friendships.
This is one of the most important things for perceptive people, having a small circle of like-minded souls to engage with in healthy, loving and reciprocal relationships. It does require you to take a risk, step out and practice your social skills — do it as much or as little as feels right for you.
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