I always find it so strange that conservatives (and Mike Rowe is one of them), always blame social media or lack of training for poor worker production. They never, however, look at government policies that are bought and sold by corporations. Or, the rise of AI and automation in many of those blue-collar professions. I have a number of family members who worked in factories in the 80s and 90s who no longer have jobs, because of automation and the dissolution of workers' unions. The pay and benefits in those jobs is atrocious. As to the push for college education, well that's also been shown to be a product of predatory student loan lending for decades combined with mandatory degree qualifications in order to apply for just about any white collar job. In addition, a number of politicians voted for policies that allowed corporations to shift their labor force to Asia, Africa and South America, because they can exploit those workers in terrible conditions and for very low pay while still selling products to Americans for a high price. Let's stop talking about how 'these new generations are so lazy' and start looking at why they don't want to work for peanuts, doing dirty, dangerous and unnecessary jobs (that robots can do)...