Any time you wish to make a shift in your life, it always begins with your belief system. Beliefs are often defined as thoughts and emotions, expressed over and over until they become a pattern.
The beliefs you hold can either be affirming what’s best for you, or they can be limiting your potential. Everyone has both types — one is based on fear of the unknown (by the way, everything in the future is unknown) and the other is based on enthusiasm for infinite possibilities.
It takes practice to discern which is which and who is who.
The statement, I believe, is very powerful. Not just a mental state, but something you embody at all levels of your being. Your mind, body, spirit and your heart are on board. Yes! This is what I envision.
Then, comes your will. Some call this willpower or gumption. I see it as more of an affirmation, I will _________.
You’re speaking to your future self, affirming exactly what’s going to happen. Setting the tone, pre-paving the road and building a bridge between your beliefs and actions.
Tapping into the part of you that believes all is possible and you have exactly what it takes to make it happen.
And then we come to, I do. Not a statement, but instead an action. If you’ve done the sufficient inner work to heal your…