I see what you’re getting at, but this assumption also reduces men to financial providers and women to being hot babes. We are both much more complex than that, it’s time to move past those stereotypes.
Many people, including myself, spend their 20s trying to figure out who they are and what they believe in, while often unconsciously playing out patterns in relationships based on what we witnessed as children.
It might take a few bad boys (or addicted boys or narcissistic boys) for someone to realize, not everyone lives and loves like this. Then some therapy to release those old patterns, learn to set healthy boundaries, look for substance over flash.
This has absolutely nothing to do with women ‘repeatedly rejecting the good ones who are steadily building their empire’, many of us didn’t even understand what was happening, until we did.
Success in relationships is dependent upon three things: the role modeling (or lack thereof) of the opposite gender parent, a healthy dose of self-esteem and willingness to put in the inner and outer work.
If a ‘nice’ guy is only concerned about whether a woman has moved past her physical prime, he’s not actually a nice guy…