I come to, realizing I’m standing atop a tall tower. It isn’t solid, but instead made of wooden girders that allow me to peer down to the ground, many feet below. I try to walk forward but halt as a strong fear arises inside me. I take a deep breath and look over the edge, then wished I hadn’t. I have no idea why I am up there or how to get down safely. The fear is paralyzing.
Suddenly, I feel compelled to close my eyes — which makes no sense in my current circumstance, yet I follow my knowing. Behind my eyelids, an old familiar memory movie begins to play. I was seven and was traveling inter-dimensionally to meet a group of energy beings. Filled with light and rainbows, they welcomed me to the training ground.
I received a pair of energy wings, gently attached between my shoulder blades. They told me, all you have to do is think where you wish to go, and you’ll immediately be there.
Sounds simple enough, right?
Think and be there?
Could it be that easy?
With practice, I became masterful in the art of energy projection. Immersed myself in the belief that thoughts become things. I took to this like a bird catching updrafts from the trade winds. A bit shaky at first but growing in confidence as I experimented with the art of manifestation.