It’s entirely possible for an empath to thrive
Here’s how to begin
Being so finely tuned in this fast-paced, sometimes chaotic world can feel overwhelming. However, it’s entirely possible for an empath to not only survive, but to actually thrive.
I’ve walked my own long road out of survival and if I’m being quite honest, there are a few days here and there when I find myself slipping back into that place.
It can happen to any empath when we momentarily forget who we really are. When we shut down our gifts from fear, shame or the desire to fit in.
Survival then becomes a state of desperation.
It is not necessary for you to remain there.
On my own journey, I’ve learned a few practices that help me to cultivate a mostly calm, connected and peaceful life.
The first, and most important, is make time every single day to be solitary.
Be present to only your energy. Alone time is absolutely crucial for you to recognize and release any energetic signatures, any strong emotions or sensations you may have picked up. It’s only when you get quiet that you’re able to relax, open your heart, engage your senses on all levels. This is how you begin to listen to your small, still voice within.
What emerges from the practice of solitude is an awakening to how the world is continuously talking to you. Every conversation, what seems like a chance meeting, a phrase you read that catches your eye and uplifts your heart, the haunting lyrics of the song that just happens to be playing at the right time — are all messages specifically for you.
Are you listening?
In order to listen, an empath must slow down and walk a much more deliberate pace than most of society. Let go of the constant pressure to amuse yourself with infinite distractions. Release the pressure to do more, to be more. Breathe, feel your heart rate settle in a natural and comfortable rhythm.
Slow down.
As you find your unique cadence, your heart will open and your gifts will become expansive.
Images, sounds, energetic messages, impressions and a deep sense of knowing will take over.
Allow it.
This is an invitation to release, to surrender. You are a finely tuned vessel, receiving communication from multi-dimensions.
Trust what you know, believe what you receive.
It’s normal to question when what you receive is unusual or radical, pause to connect with your heart and with your body. Listen to the clear signals they are sending.
You will just know.
Thriving is much less about what’s happening on the outside and all about going within.
The transformative journey of letting go of survival mode involves making connectedness your daily practice, in fact it becomes the centerpiece of your life. Everything else spirals outward from those moments of silence, solitude and receptivity.
What happens next, I call, ‘expand your inner knowing into outer action.’
Take rightful action, even when the message that comes to you does not follow a logical or linear path. Let the first step unfold, then the next and the third. Soon constant stress, tension and your walls will begin to dissolve as you attract into your life what you uniquely need to thrive.
You have the power to begin any time, are you ready?
I am putting the final touches on a new online course called Perceptive Souls: From Surviving to Thriving, which launches in January 2019.
I’m inviting 50 empaths and highly sensitive people to act as ‘beta-testers’ for this first round. In appreciation of your feedforward to help me improve the course for others, you will receive a dramatically reduced course fee.
If you’re ready to thrive, sign up to be notified when the course goes live…