It’s not so much that the idea of sharing or service couldn’t become the new economy, it’s more that those trailblazers who genuinely wanted to make the world a better place were still navigating within an economic value system that tells us maximizing profits and scaling as large as possible are the main objectives.
Why do businesses face that pressure?
One, because some like it that way and benefit from it financially (they have a higher tendency to compete rather than collaborate) and two, because collectively we don’t share a view of what is truly valuable — human connection, making life better, secure and safer for all instead of just for some.
It’s not that sharing is a failed concept, it just came out before it’s time and now we are waiting for broader human consciousness to catch up.
It will happen eventually when the majority realizes the hamster wheel of consumption, production and expansion is a losing proposition. Especially for the planet we call home.
Those who brought these ideas forth in the beginning and who continue to experiment with it, are visionaries, futurists.
It’s good to push that envelope, to ask why are we living like this just because we always have?
That’s how change eventually happens…