Marley is making the point that your feelings as a white woman, even if you care, don’t keep her or other BIPOC safe. Do you understand? You and I as white women can cry about the injustices, feel deeply for the victims and the suffering of others, but if we are not taking daily action to make it stop, we are complicit in allowing it to happen. Your feelings are not more important that black lives. Part of our immersion in white supremacy and entitlement is our belief that we deserve to be listened to and empathized with when we are upset. No one is doing that for black people. Especially not the families who lost someone dear to white supremacy. Especially when there is no apology for slavery, no recognition of how that has impacted black people and black communities to this day. No attempt to treat them as equals in the workplace, in the media, in education, in society at large. Stop whining about how much this hurts you and do something about it.