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My personal experience as a Heyoka Empath

Bevin Niemann-Cortez


Heyoka is one name for a soul who came here to be an awakener of others through non-conventional means. Heyokas approach the world from a reverse perspective. We don’t live as others live, or choose what others choose. We often try things that appear to be foolish or childish, yet there is a method to our madness.

Heyokas are masterful at holding a container for creative chaos, which is different than stirring the pot to watch people suffer — that’s never our intent. Creative chaos is discomfort, sometimes temporary suffering, and an ego death that’s necessary to shift consciousness. A Heyoka can be both the catalyst for, and a support system, as those around us traverse a dark night of the soul.

Origins of the term ‘Heyoka’

Sourcing from the Lakota Sioux culture, Heyoka is a member of the tribe born as a sacred clown. The jester who entertains the king, queen and their court, or the well-known Fool archetype from the tarot deck. A seemingly carefree, wise-cracking satirist with a huge heart. Our words might sting, but our intentions are generally pure. We invite evolution.

The Hopi tradition has a similar figure, called the Koshari clown. One who exhibits ‘improper’ behavior in public to show members of the tribe what they look like in a humorous and enlightening way. The…



Bevin Niemann-Cortez
Bevin Niemann-Cortez

Written by Bevin Niemann-Cortez

Social-Emotional Healer | Sacred Space Designer | Budding Herbalist