Of course there is personal interpretation. One person, who feels so inclined could state that slavery for example, was a necessary evil to get this country where we are right now - not what I believe, but an example of an opinion someone might hold.
That would be their interpretation, through a racist lens, but it doesn’t make their perspective right, ethical or something that should be taught.
By your assertion, we could never teach anything about history since everyone has a different interpretation.
However, there are countless documented facts and events that demonstrate our financial and public systems have favored people of one skin color or gender and limited power and opportunities for others. There is no debate about whether that’s true.
We only need look at examples of redlining, POC being denied financial loans at a much greater rate, even when they have the same assets or credit score as a white person. People with ethic sounding names being passed over for interviews by recruiters in favor of people with white sounding names.
The lack of voting rights for women and POC for most of our country’s history, the inequitable funding to public schools in black neighborhoods vs. white neighborhoods.
The only personal ‘interpretation’ that’s left is whether these inequities that have actually happened should be addressed. Anyone who says no, well that pretty much tells me everything I need to know.