Some people watch astrology to get answers, instead of looking within. However, as you stated we all have free will and it’s important to use discernment and make your own choices.
However, having read cards for myself daily for many years and read professionally for hundreds of clients, the images, archetypes and themes are almost always spot on for each person. They get the cards and the messages they need to see. Most of the time it was something they already knew, just provided validation.
Plus, for a long time, I’ve been comparing readers. I will do my own reading at home, then the same day, watch several other Aries readings on YouTube and boom, half are the same cards and similar messages — because we navigate a world where everything is energy and energy moves in cycles.
Tarot and oracle cards are one of many ‘divination’ tools, which simply means ‘from the divine’. Unfortunately, many religions made divination out to be evil, I believe primarily because they want parishioners to get their answers from the pastor or priest while sitting in a building and tithing, rather than encouraging people to open up and receive Divine wisdom for themselves. Speaking as a former Christian, who had to let go of a lot of guilt and shame that was impressed upon me about using tarot cards.
We can receive insights, ideas, images and messages inside our brains, or we can look at a printed piece of paper and see a familiar story. Pretty much the same thing…