Soul Mission
Recognize Your True Gifts and Make Your Mark in the World
‘Choose your belief systems rather than let them choose you. This will first be a mental process. Once you have made the decision mentally, you have begun the process of the paradigm shift. The process continues as you make that decision in every cell of your being. Your cellular mind is the ultimate mind. Here is where the paradigms really exist. They begin as mental thoughts, but then make the transition to become your core beliefs — your cellular beliefs. Making the choice is the first step. You can choose your paradigms. Then every day you choose them again, they evolve in your beingness, evolve in your cells, until your energy system vibrates to a new set of beliefs.
Vibration is the key. Your brain may be vibrating to a new idea, but until every cell is in alignment with this new thought, you have not made the paradigm shift. You are still held by an old belief system.’
Enter into the flow of Love. Sit deep in your personal soul and know the power of your being. Allow your soul to guide you. Your soul is already in perfect harmony with the universe. Your soul is already living your divine purpose and being. But your soul may be buried under old thoughts, habits, fears and beliefs that are not serving your divine nature. Choose a divine orientation to life, and know the fullness of your being.’
Alan Seale, from his book ‘Soul Mission, Life Vision’
In seeking my soul mission, I have noticed precisely what Alan is describing. How we can often come to a ‘rightful thought’, know it on an intellectual level, even repeat it out to other people.
Yet, we never truly began to live that new paradigm until it merges fully with the temple that is your body. We may have a love-hate relationship with our human body, love because it enables us to navigate this three dimensional reality.
Hate when we ask ourselves, why does my soul and my mind have to drag around such a dense vibrational being?
All levels of intelligence, including our body’s knowing, are needed to pursue our soul’s calling.
When we neglect to focus on bringing in higher vibration to our cells, to our organs, to every muscle and nerve, we are missing a key opportunity to align for greater Awareness.
Divine downloads come into our mind or into our heart, true. They also resonate throughout our physical body. You know when something feels off by the heavy weight in the pit of the stomach, tension in the shoulders, pain building behind the eyes.
Listen my fellow seekers, to these signals. Align your temple, your physical being with the new spiritual insights you are embodying and you will accelerate your growth.
Know that it’s normal at some point in our life to ask:
- Why am I here?
- What am I supposed to be doing?
- How do I fit into my community, in the world?
- What’s my greatest potential?
Imagine if those questions could be answered. Imagine knowing your life’s purpose so clearly you could state it boldly without hesitation in a few powerful words.
Get clear on your soul’s calling and connect with a loving and tuned-in community at the Soul Mission weekend retreat in Grapevine, Texas.
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