Throughout my life and spiritual journey, one energy keeps rearing its head over and over.
We all want it. And we know what it feels like to not have it.
Sometimes we use power to try to gain a sense of control when life feels chaotic and unstable. Power over feels like a pushy energy — pushing you, pushing others. Withholding equal standing so we can temporarily feel better about who we think we are, what we think we’ve achieved.
Relentlessly climbing an imaginary ladder, looking down on those ‘below’ and desperately trying to overtake those who are ‘above’. Crafting mental, emotional, energetic or financial manipulations to get what we think we want.
Giving power away looks like trying to please someone else, attempting to live up to external expectations. Hesitating to make decisions, hoping someone else will take responsibility for our next steps. Shutting down our voice, constricting our energy, not asking for anything so as not to be a bother. Avoiding looking at our shadow, waiting for it to just go away. News flash: it does not.
So, if taking power over others is not healthy and, giving our power away is not healthy, how do we navigate this powerful energy?