Thank you for your perspective, I am not a person of color so in that aspect I am privileged. I have many times in my life lived in low-income or even dangerous neighborhoods because it’s what my family could afford, I have struggled with chronic disease and the lower level of health care coverage I can afford so am paying primarily out of pocket, it took me 10 years to work and fund my college education and I still have a sizable student loan to pay off.
So automatically assuming that someone who would support a third party candidate is privileged enough to not be impacted by the financial and other decisions of our elected officials, well you know what they say about assumptions.
I vote my conscience and although everything in my life is not necessarily taken care of by our government (nor should it be) I am still going to vote for a candidate with the ethical background and integrity that I believe in, someone who puts people and our environment first rather than the political lobby, big money and cronyism.
If everyone continues to vote for the lesser of two evils, we will never get to real choice in our political process. No one should be telling anyone else who and what to vote for or shaming them, it’s an individual right. I respect your choice, please respect mine.