Thank you Hawkeye, for reading and responding. As a person with a spiritual business, I often find myself with one foot in two worlds.
Because of the times we live in, we still have to participate in the capitalist system to pay our bills. Much of what’s touted as ‘normal’ in that system feels very selfish and egoic, I’m challenged every day to find a more conscious way. I have to continuously check in with my motivations, the energy I’m coming from when I blog, when I teach, when I mentor.
When you make a living as a spiritual mentor, there is a great deal of responsibility involved. I’m not selling widgets, I’m being a guide and support system for my clients deep fears, desires and gifts. Do no harm has to be the foundation.
It’s also my belief that the ego ( our human personality) is not bad, but it can get us in trouble when it tries to run the show. We need to listen to our soul, as it sees the big picture and points the way to our next steps. We also need the ego - our mind and body to get things accomplished in the physical realm. Leaving the ego behind doesn’t seem realistic, but we are invited to find a way to unify soul and ego.
For me, it’s been about building trust. Surrendering to my higher Self, trusting I am led where I can help the most. My ego is getting better at being the follower, it’s less anxiety-producing, to be sure.
To clarify, I’m not stating that any of the folks online are not ‘real’ empaths. They still have the ability to sense shifts in energy, which is what am empath is.
How we use our gifts matter. Sometimes we do that well, sometimes we make choices detrimental to our, or others well-being. I’ve been there many times myself. It’s all a process of learning, sometimes we learn the hard way.
This post was not meant to pass judgment, only to highlight what’s happening right now. If there’s one truth I’ve learned in 48 years on this planet, wait a minute and things will change.
By the way, Hawkeye Pierce was my favorite character on *MASH*. Perhaps he’s a metaphor for someone forced to participate in a system he doesn’t believe in, but finds ways of making his voice heard:)
Blessings to you on your unique path🙏🏼