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There’s no need to compare your empathic gifts with others

Bevin Niemann-Cortez
3 min readDec 28, 2018


Lately, I’ve noticed a trend emerging with some of the empathic clients I coach and teach. Many are exploring their perceptive gifts and they are frustrated.

They tell me, a friend I know hears other people’s thoughts or sees auras, why can’t I do that? Or they really want to communicate with ancestor spirits, like the medium they had a reading with, but they don’t feel or hear anything.

Because I receive inquiries like this so often, I felt it is important to address:

Why aren’t your gifts like someone else’s?

Aren’t all empaths the same?

Actually, no. Empaths are very diverse.

First, let me share how I define ‘empath’. I‘ve observed being an empath extends way beyond being able to sense another person’s emotions, although most of us can do that.

My broader definition of an empath is: one who senses shifts in the energy fields around them.

Some empaths sense emotional energy, while others pick up mental energy or thought patterns. Some empaths tune-in to the collective energy of a group, a city or even the world. Hearing people speak and sensing their underlying motivations or truths is auditory empathy.

Some empaths are mediums, as connecting with beings in other dimensions is all about sensing shifts in energy, albeit in a non-local field.

Many empaths sense physical sensations in others because pain in the body is simply an energetic signal to the brain.

Quite a few empaths have metaphorical visions or dreams, where you tap into a larger field of consciousness, leaving behind constraints of space and time. You may not know exactly when or how your vision or dream will express itself in physical reality. It may happen right away and be exactly as you saw it, or show up later and look a bit different. It depends.

Some empaths receive information through remote viewing or even through psychometry, the ability to touch objects and receive energetic impressions.

All these gifts and even more are available because empaths are naturally wired to be extremely sensitive to both massive and subtle shifts in energy. How that shows up for you, will be different than for me.

I remember as a child, setting a glass of water on the table and standing back, focusing, determined to move it with my mind. I must have tried hundreds of times to do this, yet the glass didn’t budge an inch. (Confession: I saw this in a movie).

I know there are people who express the gift of telekinesis, I’m just not one of them. I could go through the rest of my life being super disappointed because I can’t move the glass or I can accept that’s just not my gift. I choose to focus my attention on fully expressing the abilities I do have, in deep gratitude.

Comparing yourself to others lowers your energetic vibration, disrupts your abilities and undermines your confidence.

Remember, your gifts are uniquely meant for you. Part of your journey is the discovery and development of your empathic potential.

I invite you to focus within, learn to fully express what’s yours and lovingly appreciate those who have different gifts. Empath diversity is beautiful.

If you’re an empath who struggles with picking up too much energy or emotions from other people, please join me for a complimentary webinar: Empaths Holding Powerful Energetic Boundaries.

Choose your date: January 5th or 7th, register here…



Bevin Niemann-Cortez

Social-Emotional Healer | Sacred Space Designer | Budding Herbalist