Why crying is the perfect emotional release valve
The act of crying is often viewed as a sign of weakness in popular culture. Ironically, many songs, movies and social media videos are designed precisely to elicit that particular emotional reaction.
They want you to tear up, just not too much.
Crying is of course, acceptable and even expected at funerals, weddings, the birth of a child and other important thresholds of life.
Babies and young children often express themselves through tears, yet as we get older, we’re subtly taught to hold it in and dry our tears.
Cultural pressure tells us that crying in public as an adult is shameful, a sure sign we’ve lost control of our rational, logical mind.
Don’t let your feelings take over!
Especially for men, crying is a huge no-no.
As an empath and highly sensitive person, I respectfully disagree. I’m biologically wired to be more emotionally responsive, both to very joyful events and very sad ones.
For many years, I tried to stuff down my intense emotions. What happened? Chronic pain, a lingering sadness I just couldn’t shake and the occasional emotional volcano when I couldn’t hold it in anymore.
I believe crying is the perfect emotional release valve for those of us who feel more deeply. Light tears for a quick let-go, to completely sobbing it out when you really need a purge.
Best of all, crying never hurt anyone. Afterwards, you’ll feel so much lighter, like a huge weight’s been lifted off your mind, your shoulders and your heart.
So the next time you feel yourself tearing up, find a quiet spot to be alone and just let it flow. I guarantee, you’ll feel so much better!